about the


Hello! I'm a lover of all things photography and an advocate of beautifully printed, heirloom portraits.

While I've always shot digitally for clients, you will find me out and about, shooting for fun with my collection of classic film cameras. And this year I hope to tempt some clients to a family session on film :)

The photo below, of my son and daughter, was captured in North Wales on Kodak Portra film with a vintage Pentax.

Jennifer x


I'm a lover of all things photography and strong advocate of beautifully printed, heirloom portraits.

You will find me out and about, shooting for fun, with my collection of classic film cameras.

This photograph, of my son and daughter, was captured in North Wales on Kodak Portra film with a vintage Pentax.


I am a child and family portrait photographer; living in Littleover, Derby; working on location in Derbyshire and beyond.


My loves are: family, books, Autumn walks, woolly jumpers, lattes, photography, especially on film and chocolate, the ‘healthy’ 85% kind.


I’m a perfectionist; wonderful for clients but it drives my family nuts!

Derby Photographer's own kids, photographed being their usual silly selves!


I’ve always loved photography and have many family photos in boxes or albums, but my favourites are constant companions, in frames, on the walls of my home.

These photos have been lovingly created at home, on holiday or fun family days out.


So this is what I offer: photography with soul, for you to enjoy each day, as those you love grow and change.


A little more on what makes me tick and why I feel photography is important can be found HERE


I qualified with British Institute of Professional Photography and was a member for many years.


This is probably my last year shooting digitally. I hope to edge into retirement using the beautiful medium of film.

You are the most

amazing photographer

the pictures you took of my lovely family are up on the walls to see and I look at them, laugh at them and love them every day! they are priceless! Thank you!” - Fiona, Staffordshire



This is my personal Instagram and my happy place for all things film photography. Follow me for photos on classic, mainly manual, analogue cameras :)


Jennifer Clare, Photographer Derby, for child and family portrait photography in Derby and the following locations: Burton-on-Trent, Lichfield, Melbourne, Tutbury, Ashbourne and other areas of Derbyshire and Staffordshire. Business portrait photography and personal branding photography is also available.