Wear Your Heart on Your Walls – framed photographs

Wear Your Heart

on Your Walls

Children grow so fast; it seems only yesterday I was walking mine to and from infant school.  Now they have both left home, with my youngest living near Bath, where he graduated.

Each morning as I walk down stairs, in my empty nest, I am met by this framed photograph; it makes me smile, almost forget the hideous wallpaper and genuinely lifts my spirits.

I’m passionate about providing beautifully framed photographs.  Photographs give so much joy, grow more precious with each passing year and deserve to be more than ones and zeros on a hard-drive.  I’m not a complete Luddite, digital files, though not archival are fun to share and are available in my ‘Portrait Boxes’.

If you like me are a huge softie that values beautiful family photography on their walls and in their life; then I’m probably the photographer for you!


This is my personal Instagram and my happy place for all things film photography. Follow me for photos on classic, mainly manual, analogue cameras :)


Jennifer Clare, Photographer Derby, for child and family portrait photography in Derby and the following locations: Burton-on-Trent, Lichfield, Melbourne, Tutbury, Ashbourne and other areas of Derbyshire and Staffordshire. Business portrait photography and personal branding photography is also available.